Anger Management

Anger is one of our emotions.  Used in a healthy way it is to motivate us to do something a situation. When it flares and spiral out of control it is unhealthy. Chronic, explosive anger is hard on your relationships, your health, and your state of mind. With insight about the real reasons for your anger, you can learn to keep your temper from causing problems in your life.  Managing your anger is recognizing signs that you're becoming angry, and taking action to calm down and deal with the situation in a healthy way. Anger management recognizes you are feeling angry and allows you to express it appropriately .

Anger Control  Behaviors

  • Shows a pattern of episodic excessive anger in response to specific situations or situational themes.
  • Shows a pattern of general excessive anger across many situations.
  • Shows cognitive biases associated with anger (e.g., demanding expectations of others, overly generalized labeling of the targets of anger, anger in response to perceived "slights").
  • Shows direct or indirect evidence of physiological arousal related to anger.
  • Reports a history of explosive, aggressive outbursts out of proportion with any precipitating stressors, leading to verbal attacks, assaultive acts, or destruction of property.
  • Displays overreactive verbal hostility to insignificant irritants.
  • Engages in physical and/or emotional abuse against significant other.
  • Makes swift and harsh judgmental statements to or about others.
  • Displays body language suggesting anger, including tense muscles (e.g., clenched fist or jaw), glaring looks, or refusal to make eye contact.
  • Shows passive-aggressive patterns (e.g., social withdrawal, lack of complete or timely compliance in following directions or rules, complaining about authority figures behind their backs, uncooperative in meeting expected behavioral norms) due to anger.
  • Passively withholds feelings and then explodes in a rage.
  • Demonstrates an angry overreaction to perceived disapproval, rejection, or criticism.
  • Uses abusive language meant to intimidate others.
  • Rationalizes and blames others for aggressive and abusive behavior.
  • Uses aggression as a means of achieving power and control.

Click here to schedule an appointment or call today 402-376-1000


Appointment Times


10:00 am - 7:00 pm


10:00 am-7:00 pm


10:00 am-7:00 pm


10:00 am-7:00 pm


10:00 am-1:00 pm



